I kept putting off blogging. The last time I wrote something was in September, almost two months ago. I wait for inspiration, for something new and ingenious to share with the cyber world, and as you can see, nothing really made the cut. I'd felt that my writing and thoughts were getting repetitive and that scared me.
Now that deer-hunting season is upon us, I've prepared myself with thoughts of woodsy-memoirs, willing to make the binding internet promise of blog postings, when I obviously fizzled out with my South Dakota Turkey Hunt.
Writing inspires reflection, inspires action, inspires inspiration.
The internet is not a book page. A blog is for reaction, discussion, sharing, so I need to just write away. This is a place for typos, musings, and creativity: I can always hit the edit button. :)
Sometimes the hardest thing is forcing yourself to take time and do something you love.